About Me

calvin whitehurst e-commerce web developer

Calvin Whitehurst is a freelance web developer specializing in e-Commerce for WordPress and Shopify platforms. He is also an SEO specialist, content creator, and programmer. Whitehurst is fluent in HTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, NodeJS, Express, EJS, and PHP.

Getting an e-commerce website up and running can be incredibly difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. There are so many facets to the process that are left incomplete, unthought of, or impossible to tackle. The whole process leaves small business owners with little or no time to actually create an awesome product for the market place.

As an artist that was trying to market my artwork and myself on the internet, I found that I knew next to nothing when it came to creating a website and getting it seen by the audience that I was looking for. About five years ago, after dabbling with development for the better part of a decade before, I decided to take the leap into learning web development full time. When others saw my personal projects and the success that I was having with teaching myself programming for the web, they took notice. I soon learned that these skills were in demand but usually only attainable from large development companies and at a premium price, particularly when it came to selling online. I also learned that the personal care and attention that small businesses needed to be successful and comfortable with the amount of money they are paying these companies is frankly non-existent.

At the end of the day, businesses that sell online, have great products and they have spent a lot of time making them great. Don’t they deserve the same amount of attention to detail paid to the thing that sells these products? Your website is a reflection of your business, it needs to build confidence with new customers, build brand equity with returning customers, and foster relationships with lifelong customers. There are so many times I have heard stories about larger development companies hurting small business owners by putting their projects on the backburner, using readymade solutions that many other websites already use, or just not delivering on promises that were originally made by an unknowledgeable salesman.

My Mission

My goal is to make selling online easy, efficient, and attainable for small businesses. I charge fair prices and work with businesses that are growing just like mine. I provide quality work that is never half-done or completed by third parties. I speak in plain English that never skimps on the important details that my clients need to know. I am open to new ideas and am willing to go the extra mile to explore new concepts that can give the businesses that I work for a competitive advantage in the marketplace.


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